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2024 Whitley County 4-H Fair

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Viewing records 1801-1850 of 3613
Results last updated at: 09/19/2024 8:28 PMUpdating
Exhibitor # Exhibitor Name Entry # Description Ribbon Placing Awards County Club
Rabbits / Show Rabbits / Mini Lop, Solid Senior Buck
171 Reimer, Kamden 1274 Yellow 5th Whitley Jefferson Hustlers
171 Reimer, Kamden 1275 Rabbit - Best 4 Class, Rabbit - Best in Show, Rabbit - Best of Breed, Rabbit - Best of Variety Whitley Jefferson Hustlers
171 Reimer, Kamden 1275 Blue 1st Whitley Jefferson Hustlers
170 Reimer, Kallen 1285 Pink 4th Whitley Jefferson Hustlers
379 Nicodemus, Kinlee 2484 Multi-color Whitley Etna Troy Hustlers
379 Nicodemus, Kinlee 2485 Brown 9th Whitley Etna Troy Hustlers
117 Miller, Mackenzie 3447 White 3rd Whitley Columbia Peaches
117 Miller, Mackenzie 3448 Green 6th Whitley Columbia Peaches
117 Miller, Mackenzie 3449 Tan 8th Whitley Columbia Peaches
117 Miller, Mackenzie 3450 Red 2nd Whitley Columbia Peaches
495 Barrington, Briana 3770 Light Green 7th Whitley Cleveland Showmen
Rabbits / Show Rabbits / Mini Lop, Solid Senior Doe
171 Reimer, Kamden 1276 Rabbit - Best Opposite of Breed, Rabbit - Best Opposite Sex Variety Whitley Jefferson Hustlers
171 Reimer, Kamden 1276 Blue 1st Whitley Jefferson Hustlers
171 Reimer, Kamden 1277 Tan 8th Whitley Jefferson Hustlers
171 Reimer, Kamden 1278 Green 7th Whitley Jefferson Hustlers
170 Reimer, Kallen 1286 Green 6th Whitley Jefferson Hustlers
170 Reimer, Kallen 1287 Orange 10th Whitley Jefferson Hustlers
240 Ross, Elynn 2899 Brown 9th Whitley Washington 4-H Busters
468 Schuman, Ethan 3140 Pink 4th Whitley Thorncreek Sons of the Soil
117 Miller, Mackenzie 3451 Multi-color Whitley Columbia Peaches
117 Miller, Mackenzie 3452 Yellow 5th Whitley Columbia Peaches
117 Miller, Mackenzie 3454 White 3rd Whitley Columbia Peaches
524 Holler, Sola 3476 Red 2nd Whitley Thorncreek Sons of the Soil
Rabbits / Show Rabbits / Mini Rex, Black Junior Buck
443 Cooper, Briana 3100 White 3rd Whitley Jefferson Hustlers
443 Cooper, Briana 3103 Yellow 5th Whitley Jefferson Hustlers
443 Cooper, Briana 3107 Red 2nd Whitley Jefferson Hustlers
444 Cooper, Ayden 3114 Blue 1st Whitley Jefferson Hustlers
444 Cooper, Ayden 3115 Red 2nd Whitley Jefferson Hustlers
Rabbits / Show Rabbits / Mini Rex, Black Junior Doe
443 Cooper, Briana 3101 Pink 4th Whitley Jefferson Hustlers
444 Cooper, Ayden 3116 White 3rd Whitley Jefferson Hustlers
444 Cooper, Ayden 3117 Rabbit - Best Opposite of Variety Whitley Jefferson Hustlers
444 Cooper, Ayden 3117 Blue 1st Whitley Jefferson Hustlers
444 Cooper, Ayden 3118 Red 2nd Whitley Jefferson Hustlers
Rabbits / Show Rabbits / Mini Rex, Black Senior Buck
249 Platt, Lily 1620 Pink 4th Whitley Smith Harvesters
250 Cripe, Jonah 1630 Yellow 5th Whitley Smith Harvesters
444 Cooper, Ayden 3109 Blue 1st Whitley Jefferson Hustlers
488 Schinbeckler, Ethan 3819 White 3rd Whitley Washington 4-H Busters
488 Schinbeckler, Ethan 3961 Red 2nd Whitley
Rabbits / Show Rabbits / Mini Rex, Black Senior Doe
488 Schinbeckler, Ethan 3817 Blue 1st Whitley Washington 4-H Busters
488 Schinbeckler, Ethan 3818 Red 2nd Whitley Washington 4-H Busters
Rabbits / Show Rabbits / Mini Rex, Blue Senior Buck
249 Platt, Lily 1622 Rabbit - Best of Variety Whitley Smith Harvesters
249 Platt, Lily 1622 Blue 1st Whitley Smith Harvesters
536 Furthmiller, Morgan 3559 Multi-color Whitley Columbia Peaches
Rabbits / Show Rabbits / Mini Rex, Blue Senior Doe
524 Holler, Sola 3479 Rabbit - Best Opposite of Variety Whitley Thorncreek Sons of the Soil
524 Holler, Sola 3479 Blue 1st Whitley Thorncreek Sons of the Soil
Rabbits / Show Rabbits / Mini Rex, Broken Senior Doe
249 Platt, Lily 1625 Rabbit - Best of Group, Rabbit - Best of Variety Whitley Smith Harvesters
249 Platt, Lily 1625 Blue 1st Whitley Smith Harvesters
Rabbits / Show Rabbits / Mini Rex, Himalayan Junior Buck
488 Schinbeckler, Ethan 3814 Rabbit - Best of Group, Rabbit - Best of Variety Whitley Washington 4-H Busters
488 Schinbeckler, Ethan 3814 Blue 1st Whitley Washington 4-H Busters
Rabbits / Show Rabbits / Mini Rex, Himalayan Senior Doe
488 Schinbeckler, Ethan 3962 Multi-color Whitley